Category: Greenhouse Museum
Rebuilder – Part 3
“Come on, Will,” Charlie complains as he stretches out on the saggy old couch. “You’ve been stuck in here so long even your couch is giving up on you.” The other three boys in the room laugh to themselves, but Will’s expression stays sour. “I just don’t want to go, Charlie. It isn’t the same.”…
Originator – Part 3
The two of them take their seats across from one another on the open-air patio of an up-scale restaurant in the suburbs. Santi had insisted on the treat. Paolo had wanted to refuse, once again feeling like a charity case. Then again, after his conversation with Jake, Paolo was unsure when he didn’t feel that…
Fighter – Part 3
The truck cabin is silent, save for the engine and road noises as the two boys head off into the night. Charlie leans his head against the passenger window, watching as subdivisions pop in and out of existence between the trees. A few bear faded vinyl signs on their fences, flapping in the wind, promoting…
Connector – Part 3
Neither had wanted to go home, but neither wanted to be alone. Which is how Jake and Paolo found themselves sitting in the dark of the greenhouse lobby, staring out at the empty parking lot and quiet main road beyond it. They had plenty to discuss. A wealth of details and plans to go over…
Rebuilder – Part 2
“Hold it right there.” Will commands, folding a scrap piece of cardboard quickly and shimmying it into place. “Ok, perfect. I think we got all the spacers right.” From behind him, Aura’s clear alto voice calls out, “Looks even from here.” “I’ll trust you on that. Hand me the caulk?” Though he knows better, Jake…
Fighter – Part 2
“Goddammit, Charlie!” Will shouts at him as he climbs down the ladder. “I fucking told you not to touch the fucking panels!” Immediately Charlie’s face turns red with shame. “I just wanted to…” “Just wanted to what?! Fucking break something?” “No, you asshole! I was trying to help!” The other boys stand back as an…
Connector – Part 2
At least the day had been cool. Heading home from visiting Will, Jake just kept reminding himself that at least the weather had improved. Nothing else seemed to be going well. It had only been 24-hours since all the drama erupted. Eager to pour himself into working that morning, he found himself alone at the…
Originator – Part 2
Thunder rumbles in the distance and Paolo sighs. From the other room, Charlie calls out, “Hey. Jake says a storm is coming. He’s on his way.” Paolo looks up from his monitor and nods, now intent on finishing all the emails in the inbox. Storms always have the potential to take the power out. Best…
Rebuilder – Part 1
He gives her hand a little squeeze before letting it go. “Wait here.” Will says gently, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. He thinks he sees her frown ever so slightly but can’t be sure. The clearing is only a few yards ahead, obscured by the thick green summer foliage of bushes, climbing…
Fighter – Part 1
Charlie sighs as he pats the last of the loose dirt down around the roots of the new redwood tree they had been able to procure. He couldn’t help but feel sad for it, having been uprooted from all its friends and transported across multiple states to live out the rest of its life in…