Project Updates – November 2024

It really seems as the year goes on, the months get shorter.

I hope, however the news of the recent US election landed with you, that you’re doing well. It came as a shock in a way that I wasn’t quite prepared for, to be honest, and I’m working on collecting my resolve for another four years. By now I’m sure most of you have heard calls to rally around community and I’ll reiterate those here: I am here to help as best I can, as I can, when needed.

Once our local legislative session begins again, I’ll still continue to provide articles on bills to pay attention to. As I have time, my hope is to track them through the process and provide an end of session summary.

These are all future concerns though! Let’s turn our attention to this past month and talk progress!

Far North

  • This month added 8,813 words and 14 pages. We’re now nearing the 100k word mark! I was afraid that I wasn’t quite hitting my word goals for the day this month, but in looking back at the journal I keep, most days saw above 400 words. Only a few landed in the below 400 level. Insomnia has become a friend again and that hurt me some days more than others.
  • Still on pace and discovering new things in the writing! This latter portion of the book I had only loosely written a plan for, and it’s paying off in some interesting worldbuilding discovers. I hope you’ll all look forward to it!

Nosia Archives

  • Still slow going and I anticipate this next month will also be slow going. The biggest advancements have really revolved around sorting out character interactions and relationships. Clarifying how they all get along, support one another, and help move each other’s stories towards resolution. I very much want this to be a story of mutual support.
  • I’ll likely keep this section rather short moving forward. As interesting things or thoughts come up, I’ll share, but until writing actually begins I don’t have much to share. The work is going!

Exploring Spirit

  • I’m going to have to split Part 5 into two. Again. My notes are already at 15 pages and I still haven’t finished reading Nikhilananda’s version of events. Hate to prolong this but sometimes that is the nature of the thing.
  • All I can say is, this part is going to be interesting. Given that all I have to work off of for Vivekananda’s return to India is Nikhilananda’s word, there will be some interesting bits to discuss. If I can get my hands on another critical source from around this time, I will try to include it too, but it isn’t currently high on my list of things to find.

Stream/Vibe Checks

A graphic for the 12-Streams of Winter announcement. The background is a snow angel. The overlay reads: "12 Streams of Winter
Dec 9-10 Paws of Coal
Dec 11-12 Hill Agency
Dec 13-14 King of the Castle
Dec 15 Monster Prom
Dec 16 Coffee Talk
Dec 17 Still Water
Dec 18-19 Joestar Struck
Dec 20 Rimworld"
  • It’s that time of year again! 12-streams time! From December 9th through December 20th, I’ll be streaming every night starting at 1830EST! It’s a mix of everything with a focus on narrative driven games. This may be the last time that I include VNs for awhile, so come check them out if that’s something you’re interested in!
  • We’ll also have a King of the Castle weekend, yet again, along with some Monster Prom time! Come hang out and play some games with us!
  • Looking ahead, come January there’s the chance of a D&D one shot with some fellow streamers! We’re still hammering out details and I’ll let you all know once we narrow things down.
  • Lastly, I’ll be making some plans for next year regarding streams. Keep an eye out for some updated ideas. I definitely plan, at the moment, on doing far fewer stream events outside of the 12-streams. As for what we’ll play, that’s still up in the air, but there are plenty of interesting titles to check out!

That’s it for this month! At the end of December I’ll be taking a little break into 2025, taking the second half of the month off from any work. So, this is my reminder to you: take some time off and enjoy yourselves. You deserve to rest too.

Until next time, stay safe and sane!


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