Project Update – July 2024

Here we are, the end of the month. I know we missed the end of June. To be honest, I was excited to take a break and try to relax on our little vacation. If I had planned ahead I would’ve written something up…but I was exhausted by the end of the 12-streams.

Let’s not dwell on the past though! Some very interesting things are in the works!

Far North

  • 18k words, 25 pages. That’s what’s been added between June and July. That puts things at just over 61.5k words and 87 unformatted pages.
  • At this point, I think I’m in the last third or so of the outline. There’s no specific word or page count I’m aiming for, but I would imagine that draft one will be done sometime by the end of the year. Barring anything unforeseen, obviously.
  • From there, it’ll go through a few rounds of edits before a release date can be settled on. Last time, that process took about another year. I won’t make any firm promises, but my hope is to have the next book out sometime in 2026!

Greenhouse Museum/Nosia Archives

  • The Greenhouse Museum Collection is ready to be released! There’s one more part that still needs to be published on the blog first, however. The final part of Rebuilder is set to come out in mid-August!
  • Otherwise, expect to see the collection available on itch and the Internet Archive towards the end of the month!
  • As for Nosia…nothing is ready for release yet. I’m still working out some world building and meta-narrative pieces. There is a working outline for the first part of the story, but before I sit down to write it, I want to have some general idea of where things might be going. More on that project next month!

Exploring Spirit

  • So, Vivekananda’s story is going to be a four part series it seems. Possibly more. I’m so sorry to make this so much longer, but here we are.
  • Part 2 is ready to be uploaded, for the most part, so I hope to have that finished for you all next month. That’s my first priority.
  • My next priority is finishing Chattopadhayaya’s work on Vivekananda’s travels in the West. I have a couple of months left to borrow it for, so I really need to spend more time on it and less on writing part 3 for the time being.
  • After this series is finished, I’m putting this project on an indefinite hold. Partially because it’s a lot of work and I simply need a little break. The other part is that I’m in the middle of looking for a job, and should one finally appear, I’ll need to have the space for it. Hopefully I can come back to this at some point in the future.

Streaming/Vibe Checks

  • Streaming has been going well! We finished up the Wadjet Eye games pack recently and are now moving on to Disco Elysium for…well, probably awhile. I’m excited to get to play it with you all since their Twitch integration allows for viewers to help make choices. It’ll be fun!
  • I’ve also started co-working streams! They’re a “catch them when you can” thing. We’ve done a couple this month and it’s been a nice time to just hang out with everyone. I only announce them on Discord, but so far they’ve been a Tuesday thing, so come join us if you see us on!
  • On Thursday’s, at least for now, we’ve switched to playing Final Fantasy XIV. To be honest, Coral Island wasn’t holding my attention as much as before and I wanted a bit of a break. We’ll go back to it eventually — and other cozy games — but for now it’s time to break things with an axe. Just need a little bit of angy smol warrior in my life.
  • Speaking of cozy, there is a Vibe Check in the works! It’s largely a round-up of news regarding games we’ve checked out in the past. I hope you’ll check it out when it comes out…which should hopefully be in the coming week!
  • Lastly, the longevity of Twitch. Without getting too into things, there are some concerns from inside Twitch that the brand is becoming another one of Amazon’s “zombie brands” and that more staff will be laid off.
  • For now, in absence of running my own server, I will remain on Twitch. I have no intention of jumping to Kick or YouTube — both platforms that seem to want more “Just Chatting” style content and less gameplay content. At least, if the numbers are to be believed.
  • If things really seem like they’re going downhill with Twitch, I’ll be moving to a Peertube instance with streaming capabilities. I can’t afford to run my own server to host Owncast at the moment, but it’s something to work towards. Additionally, if that’s the case and people want to continue to support my work, I will make a more direct support option available.
  • I don’t want to focus too much on that though. For now, I’ll be on Twitch.

And that’s it! Progress is made in small strides. We’ll see where the future takes all of us.

Stay safe and sane out there!


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