Category: Projects

  • Project Update – May 2024

    Is it the start of June already? Things felt like they really flew by this month! So, let’s just jump into all of it, shall we? Far North Greenhouse Museum/Nosia Archives Exploring Spirit Streaming/Vibe Checks That’s it for the month! Now I’m going to go spend some time in the garden. If you’re not following…

  • Project Update – April 2024

    Happy Beltane! To be honest, despite having done a pre-summer cleaning around our apartment, I had completely forgotten about any celebrations. This is usually the time of year when we begin looking at the hurricane forecast and start wondering just when we’ll see storms pop up. Lets hope we don’t have to bust into our…

  • Project Update – March 2024

    A (mid) month update on all the projects we’ve got going on. Not too much has changed from the start of the month, but still, a consistent schedule is key…and I admit I’ve not been the best at it.

  • Project Update – Feb 2024

    Updates on projects from the month of February 2024. A bit late on this, but I promise there’s a good reason. #writing #stream #ProjectUpdates

  • Project Update – Jan 2024

    Updates about the current projects for the month of January 2024. Talking about when to expect Far North to be released, stream updates for the month, and where things stand with Greenhouse Museum and beyond!

  • Intro

    Hello, friends! If you’re here, you’re hopefully familiar with my Mastodon or Twitch presence. If not, welcome! My name is A Byrd and I enjoy creating many varied things. Currently, I’m working on a few projects. I try to post updates regularly on progress, as well as completed works that wont be entered for publishing…